Q Is that a fountain of water coming
out of the blowhole?
A The whale opens its
blowhole to breathe out stale
air. When this air
comes in contact
with the colder
air outside, the
water vapour in
the atmosphere
condenses. This
looks like a
fountain or
Whales might live in the oceans and might even look like very
large fish, but they are mammals. Like most other mammals,
whales give birth to live young and breathe with their lungs.
Whales belong to a group of animals called marine mammals.
They are among the largest animals on the planet.
The Living Planet
Q Why do whales have holes on their heads?
A Whales do not have gills like fish. Instead
they take in air through nostrils like all the
other mammals. The nostrils of whales, called
blowholes, are located on top of their heads.
Every once in a while, whales come to the
surface of the water and open their blowholes
to breathe.
Quick Q’s:
1. What is blubber?
Blubber is a layer of
fat found between the
skin and flesh of all
whales. It preserves
body heat and stores
energy as well as
keeping whales afloat.
2. Do whales live as
a family?
Most whales are social
creatures. They travel
and feed in groups
called pods. Many of
them migrate long
distances in groups
between their feeding
and breeding grounds.
3. What do whales use
their tails for?
The tail of a whale is
divided into two parts,
called flukes. While
fish move their tails
sideways to swim,
whales swim by moving
their flukes up and
down in the water.
4. Which is the largest
whale in the world?
Blue whales are not
only the largest whales,
but also the largest
animals ever to live on
Earth. They can be as
long as 34 metres (112
feet). They are also the
loudest animals on
Earth – 1.5 times as
loud as a pneumatic
drill. But they use such
a low frequency that we
cannot hear them.
There she blows
Whale hunters and whale watchers spot whales by the
fountain of water coming out of their blowholes.
Killer whale
The killer whale or orca is the most common member of
the family of marine mammals that includes whales and
dolphins. They can be found in all the oceans of the
world. They are highly social animals and travel in stable
groups, led by the oldest female member of the group.
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